Virologists presents their results of researching in structure, biochemistry, systematics, genetics, reproduction of viruses, their interaction with cells, as well its importance in life of human existence. Researches study and develop methods of detecting, fighting and using of human, animal and plants viruses.
Study of scientists are based on idea of using biological processes for industry, science, and technic and for society development. Efforts of scientists are focused on methods that allow to get biologically active compounds (enzymes, hormones, aminoacids, vaccines, medicines and others), on creation of new substances and new forms of organisms. Scientists also study methods that allow solving some problems in ecology and medicine
In this section scientists, who study biophysics and biochemical molecular mechanisms of processes in alive cell, can participate. Due to micro- and nanoscopic researching methods of biological objects, it became possible not only monitor processes inside cell on molecular level, but also manage them.
Studies of scientists, participating in this section, are devoted to physical and physicochemical phenomenon, that are in alive organisms. This science studies structure and characteristics of biopolymers, different physical factors influencing alive organisms and systems. One of the main tasks of biophysics is to discover the link between physical mechanisms, that make a base of alive objects and biological features of their vital activity.
school of Systems Biology, George Mason University, USA
head of Siberian scientific research and test centre for biomedical engineering, Novosibirsk
director of department of bioinformatics at panagene ltd
Ph.D. Professor at University of Texas, Galveston National Laboratory
Professor, head of department “The molecular basis of viral pathogenicity”, CIRI
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Structural Biology at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), Head of the Laboratory for Structural Electron Microscopy of Biological Systems at MIPT
MD, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Division of Basic and Translational Research, Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, USA
Professor, PhD, Head of Biochemistry at the Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, University of Oxford, UK
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Genomic and Protein Engineering Laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, SB RAS
Professor, head of Laboratory of Intermolecular Interactions “Institute of Biomedical Chemistry”
Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, USSR State Prize Laureate, head of Bioorganic Chemistry of Enzymes
Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head Laboratory of Cytometry and Biokinetics of the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion named after V.V. Voevodovsky, SB RAS
Doctor of Biological Sciences, President and Chief Executive Officer of Biotechnological Companies Biomirex, Inc in Boston (USA), and Anteriks, LLC in Pushchino (Russia)
Doctor of biology, , Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR
the Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, Laboratory of Metamorphism and Metasomatism, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS
the Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor, head of laboratory for molecular biology and gene engineering
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Epidemiologist, Infectious Disease Specialist, International Expert in Public Health, Epidemiology and Laboratory Diagnostics, USA
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Freelance Specialist in Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (EIMB), head of cell proliferation laboratory
You can participate full-time or virtual and present your study at OpenBio scientific conference in sections of virology, biophysics, molecular biology and biotechnology.
Potential participants: young scientists (up to 35 years old). Selection of participants is based on thesises.
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